TAGS – NBIA joins with ACCS Offshore Testing in Germany Before installation in Cargo Free Zone, Suvarnabhumi Airport

Mr.Supachai Keowsiri, IT Director of TAGS and Project Director of IT system and X-ray System for cargo Free Zone ( ITX-FZ ) has taken care for the committee of NBIA on the trip to Germany to join of the ACCS Offshore Testing,was held by Lufthansa Systems for having the test of ACCS Systems before being installed in the project of ITX-FZ at the Cargo Free Zone , Suvarnabhumi Airport. The committee and team, at this event, was welcomed by Mr. Bernd Dubau, Division Manager Lufthansa Systems.

The IT system and X-ray System for Cargo Free Zone (ITX-FZ) is the IT system developed for being applied on the Cargo Free Zone management in Suvarnabhumi Airport. It could be responding to one of the government’s policies on the enhancement of the economic strength of the country by focusing on the promotion for making Thailand be the Asian Logistic Hub.

The system costs Bt700 million and is based on an advanced information-technology system and X-ray machines. The system’s hardware and software are in place and all that remains before start-up are technical tests. It is installed in a “free zone” area covering 568,000 square metres.The capability of the Cargo Free Zone of Suvarnabhumi will be maintaining on logistic cargoes for 3 million tons yearly and will have been expanding to 6 million tons in the future.